The happy dog

The happy dog

Some of you may have been wondering why a dog features so prominently on our homepage... what does a dog have to do with a quirky gift site? Well I'm here to tell you, that dog is everything. 

I have always invested time trying to find the people in my life the perfect gift.  Searching for that special something that will really make their birthday or completely surprise them come Christmas morning. Sometimes you miss the mark and I have definitely had a few of those, but when you get it right, there is simply no better feeling.

With big retailers dominating the market, gift giving can become a bit generic. We are all guilty of dashing to mall last minute and grabbing the first thing we can find that ticks the box.  Forget the same old socks or boring bath bubbles. The sheer joy on someone's face when you have given them something different, something often times they didn't even know was out there. I'm not talking about big, expensive gifts but gifts that have thought or meaning, something out of the ordinary. A present that can make someone feel truly celebrated. Wow! 

That feeling of pure joy is what we strive for at Quirk Space and our happy dog captures it perfectly... eyes closed, big smile, covered in streamers, front and centre in his own celebration. And that's why he's front and centre on our homepage. 

Happy shopping, happy gifting x

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